Would you like to join us? Check out these documents…
DGMG Membership Information Brochure
To Join the DGMG please submit your
DGMG Membership Application Form
Release of Liability Denver Gem and Mineral Guild
Your yearly dues ($15 Individual, $25 Family)
Bring it to the next meeting or mail to:
Denver Gem & Mineral Guild,
Membership Chairman
PO Box 261330
Lakewood, CO 80226
Note: All new memberships MUST be received by DGMG at least 2 weeks prior to field trips in order to be eligible to go on a field trip.
Stock Jam
Welcome to the DGMG !!!
Membership Has Its Benefits . . .
Field Trips
The club organizes field trips each summer. Some of these may be by special arrangements to private claims and mines (like the Pinnacle 5 Claims) that are not generally available to the public. In addition to these official trips, members get together informally to plan their own outings. Here is a video report about one of those recent informal trips – https://youtu.be/zj3QhqVGb00
Club Claims
The Guild has staked a claim in the far side of Jefferson County where members have exclusive rights to dig for quartz, smoky quartz, amazonite, topaz, zinnwaldite, fluorite, and some other fluorescent minerals. Come be a kid again! Come dig in the dirt and just maybe bring home some buried treasure!
Annual Auction
The annual auction is held in October. It offers you a chance to sell off any excess items you may have and the opportunity to pick up some great bargains on any minerals or other hobby-related items you may want to round out your collection.
The Club Library
Members have access to our club library. Located at the clubhouse, it has a wide variety of books, audiovisual, and other materials related to our hobby. Some of these materials are out of print and difficult to obtain and a few items are unpublished materials available nowhere else.
Lapidary Equipment and Training
Members may use the Club rock saws and other lapidary machinery at the clubhouse (after they have been trained and certified on their safe use).
Network with Experts in the Field
Many of our members have a great depth of knowledge and experience in; Geology, Mineralogy, Gemology, Mining, Mineral Dealing, Collecting & Curation, Flint Knapping, Fasceting, Silver Smithing, Reverse Intaglio, Cabbing, Wire Wrapping, Beading, and other Lapidary Arts. They are happy to share their expertise with other members!
Behind the Scenes Look & Free Entry to some of the Best Mineral Shows in the Area
Our members participate in putting on some of the greatest gem and mineral shows in the country, which are attended by people from around the world. See what one visitor had to say about our September 2022 Show.
Pete’s Mineralogy Class
Dr. Pete Modreski is a mineralogist and geochemist, recently retired from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Members can access the videos and other suplementary materials from his 18-week class in the Members Only section of the website. Pete and your fellow students are available at our monthly meetings and via email, for any class questions you may have. All the mineral samples used for this class, the mineral test kit, and the textbook are available for members to check out from the DGMG Library. Other supplementary books, including The Complete Guide to Rocks, Gems & Minerals by Don MacLachlan, are also available there.
Tips & Chips – the DGMG Newsletter
Your membership buys you a subscription to Tips & Chips, the DGMG Newsletter, delivered to your in-box at the end of each month. The Tips & Chips brings you club news and details on upcoming events plus in-depth articles on rockhounding, mineralogy, lapidary arts and more. Members have access to both the current issue and many years of back issues.
A Wide Variety of Social and Educational Opportunities
Members enjoy the annual Christmas Party, the July Picnic, the October Auction, and monthly meetings with informative and educational programs by great speakers. Check out some of our recent programs and other activities on the DGMG YouTube Channel.
This page last updated on 3/4/2022