Pages in this section are for DGMG Members only – Please Login.
To login to the members only area click on the “LOGIN” button (left). That will take you to the login screen.
Simply enter your username or email and your password and hit login in button.
To actually see your password (instead of those dots) simply click on that eye in the password box.
For additional help, click on the DGMG Logo to go to the login help page.
If you have forgoten your password, if you want to change your password, or if this is your first time logging in and you need to get a password, click on “Lost your password” or “forgot password”.
On the next screen, enter your email. This has to be the email listed for you on the Club roster – typically the email where you receive your monthly DGMG newsletter.
After you enter your email and hit the “Get New Password” button,
Leave the DGMG site and go to your email. Look for an email from “WordPress” with the subject “[Denver Gem & Mineral Guild] Password Reset”. If you don’t see it in your inbox, be sure to check your Spam folder.
Click on the link in that email. It will take you back to the DGMG website to the New Password screen. That box will be filled in with a “suggested” password. If you don’t like that suggestion, hit the “Generate Password” button to suggest another one (that you also will probably not like). So to make your own password simply erase the suggestion in the box and type in your own.
We all know at least one person (who shall remain namelsss) who has had one or more of their accounts hacked. This is often the result of poor password practices.
Get into the habit of using strong passwords and don’t use the same password on multiple accounts. When entering your own password, The Save Password button will not turn blue and become cllickable untill your password meets at least a medium strenth level.
After you hit Save Password you will be able to login.
If you are unable to receive email from you will need to call your webmaster and have him manually change your password for you.
Your email with your password reset link will be FROM “” with the SUBJECT: ‘[Denver Gem & Mineral Guild] Password Reset”. If you don’t see it in your INBOX, be sure to check your SPAM folder.
If it never shows up to either location, be sure you are using the right email (the one listed in the Roster for you) and be sure you did not have any typos when entering it.
Assuming that was not the problem, next check for any Spam filters you may have set. Try turning them off, at least long enough to receive your email from Some email servers may assume you do not want to receive any emails from a robot, so try adding to your safe senders’ list. Every email provider hides these settings in a different place so you can have the fun of finding them. Just think of it as an easter egg hunt. (And you can always do a google search like “spam settings gmail” or “spam settings comcast email”.)
Alternatively, you could send an email to Hopefully, this will indicate to your mail server that you are interested in hearing back from that address.
Some email servers are overly aggressive at filtering spam and really, really don’t want you hearing from any robots. ( seems to be one of those.)
If all else fails simply call your webmaster and he can, if necessary, manually set your password for you.
Get into the habit of using strong passwords and don’t use the same password on multiple accounts.
We all know at least one person [who shall remain nameless] who has had one of their accounts hacked. Often these hacks are the result of a weak password.
What is a strong password and why are they important:
Eight Character Passwords can now be cracked in <5 Minutes –
The 25 Most Hacked Passwords of 2019 –
AT&T Cyber Aware: Make Your p@$sw0rDs Stronger –
SecureData Recovery: The Importance of Strong, Secure Passwords –
Blu Mint: The Importance of Long, Strong and Secure Passwords –
Fraud Watch: The Importance of Having a Strong Password –
TeamPassword: The Importance of a Strong Password for Each Account –
How Safe is it to Store Your Passwords in a Modern Browser –
Account Hack Horror Stories:
This Hacking Horror Story is a Warning to Take Online Security More Seriously –
Getting Hacked: Your Stories –
17 Wild Hacking Stories That Actually Happened to People –
The 12+ Internet Crime Stories That Make Cybersecurity Measures Essential –
Retelling a Password Nightmare in the Wake of the LinkedIn Password Leak –
You user name is last name first name with no space and no comma. I.E. SmithMary. But if you are in the system as “JohnsonBob”, then JohnsonRobert, JohnsonRob, Johnson Bob will NOT work, only “JohnsonBob”.
If a couple are listed on the Roster as Smith, John and Smith, Mary, but there is only one email address listed – “”, then there will be only one username associated with that email – either SmithJohn or SmithMary, but not both. When you request a “Lost Password” email. That email will display your username.
When loging in, you can use EITHER your username or your email. Feel free to ignore user name and just use your email instead.
If you have too many failed logins or too many lost password requests in a 30 minute period, you will be locked out for a period of 4 hours. This is to deter password guessing bots. Our site is hit on every month by these hackers.
Don’t Stress!
Simply email and/or call your webmaster. Together we will get this working.
But please be patient. Your webmaster is not ALWAYS in front of his computer.
He occasionally goes out in the field . . . to collect more rocks.
Because, hey, there is still a little space left in the garage.
Still having trouble? Contact your webmaster.
(720) 282-7994
This page last updated on 8/12/2023