More upcoming Gem, Mineral & Geology events in the Denver Area
Coming Earth Science Events, 2025, updated 2/25/2025—from Pete Modreski, or
Denver Museum of Nature and Science 2025 Earth Sciences Colloquium schedule
Talks are in-person-only, from 2–3 pm, usually in the 3rd Floor Community Room. The Community Room is on the 3rd floor at the entrance to the diorama hall. Museum admission not required to attend. Enter through Staff/Volunteer entrance, 50′ east of main visitor entrance, and let Security know you’re attending the talk, they will direct you to the location. All are welcome to attend. For the full year’s schedule see: . Two Colloquium talks TODAY:
Feb 25th double feature: 2–3pm The Deep Time Origin of Bone Biology. (Yara Haridy, University of Chicago) *in Ricketson Auditorium
3–4pm Functional, Flamboyant, Fatal: Dinosaur Skin Adaptations (artist Brian Engh, Living Relic Productions) *in Ricketson Auditorium
Fri-Sat-Sun, Feb. 28, Mar. 1-2, Gem and Mineral Show at the Jeffco Fairgrounds, Golden, sponsored by the Denver Gem and Mineral Guild. 10-6 Fri. & Sat., 10-5 Sun. Free admission and parking; exhibits, dealers, demonstrations, fluorescent minerals, geodes, rock identification, and more. Show theme is “Amazonite and Aquamarine”.
Events at Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, Golden:
Sat.-Sun., Mar. 1-2, Rock, Mineral and Fossil Sale; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 3/1, 1-4 p.m. 3/2, + preview sale 1-4 p.m. Feb. 28 for volunteers and Friends of the Museum only.
Also Sat. Mar. 1, 1-4 p.m., Free Mineral ID Day too!
Fri. Mar. 7, 6-9 p.m., Free First Friday Night at the Mines Museum; all are welcome! The free First Evening also includes an optional event, a special Gemstone ID session with Museum Executive Director and Gemologist Renata Lafler, registration $10, call 303-273-3815.
[The following next Free First Friday at the Museum will be Friday, April 4.]
Wed. Mar. 19, “Wednesday Night at the Museum with Kirk and Ray; with Kirk Johnson and Ray Troll, authors of “Cruisin’ the Fossil Freeway”; tickets required (see the Museum website for more info; click on events, then click on the graphic for the Kirk & Ray event. Registration required; tickets are $10 for the evening reception and book signing, and $100 to include a special limited-capacity one-hour presentation by Kirk and Ray preceding the reception. Museum website: . Other information also on facebook at .
Thurs., Mar. 20, Colorado Scientific Society March meeting, “Lava dams, Footprints, and Faults: some vignettes from the USGS luminescence dating lab in Denver, Colorado” by Harrison Gray, U. S. Geological Survey, Luminescence Dating Lab. 7:00 p.m., at Golden Calvary Episcopal Church. For full info see: . All are welcome.
Sat.-Sun., Mar. 22-23, Western Interior Paleontological Society (WIPS) biennial Symposium, “Retrospectives: celebrating 4 decades of paleo advances”. For info on this and the monthly WIPS meetings, see .
Thurs., Mar. 27, Friends of Mineralogy, Colorado Chapter, monthly meeting, featuring Dr. Aaron Celestian, Mineral Sciences Curator, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles; “Prospering backyards: a collaboration of art, science, and community”. 5:30 p.m., Berthoud Hall Room 243, CSM campus, Golden. See for more info. All are welcome.
June 12-16, FMCC is also sponsoring a symposium, Specimen Mines of the United States, to be held on the Mines campus. For information see: .
Fri.-Sat.-Sun., Mar. 28-30, Fort Collins Rockhound Club 62nd Annual Gem and Mineral Show, (Fri. 4-8 p.m.; Sat., 9-6; Sun. 10-4) at The Ranch/Larimer County Fairgrounds in the Thomas M. McKee 4-H, Youth and Community Building, 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, Colorado. Free parking; admission charge. Show theme is “Feldspar and Jasper”.
For more lecture series during the year see: Colorado Beer Talks (2nd Tuesday, 6-8 p.m.), Windy Saddle Café, 1110 Washington Avenue, Golden, “Golden’s grassroots version of TED talks, Expand your mind with a beer in your hand”, Colorado Café Scientifique in Denver, monthly lectures on science topics held either at Blake Street Station or Brooklyn’s, Denver; open to the public, no charge other than refreshments you may choose to purchase; see . Colorado Meteorite Society (COMITS), [NOT CURRENTLY MEETING] For details see: Colorado Mineral Society (CMS), (first Friday of each month, October through May, 7:30 PM), St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 10th and Garrison (9200 W 10th Ave, Lakewood, CO Colorado Scientific Society (3rd Thursday, 7 p.m.), see . Meets at Shepherd of the Hills Church, 11500 W. 20th Ave., Lakewood CO, except when noted. CU Geological Science Colloquium (Wednesdays, 4 p.m.) see CSU Dept. of Geoscience Seminars (Fridays, 4 p.m.), see Denver Mining Club (Mondays, 11:30), Meets at Golden Corral, 3677 S Santa Fe Dr, Sheridan, CO 80110. Lunch purchase required. see . Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Earth Science Colloquium series, 3:00-4:00 p.m., VIP Room unless noted, day of the week varies. Museum admission is not required; see Denver Region Exploration Geologists Society (DREGS; 1st Monday, 7 p.m.), Flatirons Mineral Club, (Second Tuesday of each month 7:00 PM except June, July, August, and September) All meetings are held at the Mountain View Methodist Church, 355 Ponca Place, Boulder, CO 80303 Florissant Scientific Society (FSS); [CURRENTLY INACTIVE] meets monthly in various Front Range locations for a lecture or field trip; meeting locations vary, normally on Sundays at noon; all interested persons are welcome to attend the meetings and trips; see for details and schedules. Friends of Mineralogy, (second Thursday of every odd numbered month, 7:30 PM) Berthoud Hall Room 109, Colorado School of Mines. Littleton Gem and Mineral Club, (3rd Friday (Sept.-May) at 7:30 PM), at Saint Philip Lutheran Church, 7531 S. Kendall Blvd, Littleton, CO. Mile Hi Rock and Mineral Society (RAMS); meetings held as needed. See: Nerd Night Denver is a theater-style evening featuring usually 3 short (20-minute) TED-style talks on science or related topics; held more-or-less monthly at the Oriental Theater, 4335 W. 44th Ave., Denver; drinks are available; for ages 18+. Admission is $6 online in advance, $10 at the door. See . Rocky Mountain Map Society (RMMS; Denver Public Library, Gates Room, 3rd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.), Western Interior Paleontological Society (WIPS); beginning January 2019, WIPS will meet on the 1st Monday of the month, 7 p.m., at Lowry Conference Center, 1061 Akron Way, Denver. See . National Mining Hall of Fame & Museum. Now open seven days a week from 9 am to 4:45 pm. Location: 120 West 9th Street, Leadville, CO 80461. Our mission is to “tell the story of mining, its people, its importance to the American public, and to society’s sustainability.” For more information about events and exhibits, contact NMHoF&M at (719) 486-1229 or visit the web site: . Western Museum of Mining & Industry. Now open Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm. Open since 1970, the Western Museum of Mining and Industry (WMMI) is committed to preserving and interpreting the rich mining history of Colorado and the American West. WMMI, 225 North Gate Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO. For more information about events and exhibits, see the web site: Van Tuyl Lecture Series, Colorado School of Mines, (Thursdays, 4 p.m.): 241 Berthoud Hall, Colorado School of Mines campus, Golden. All are welcome to attend the lectures. See: An extra note: Mineral Talks Live, if you are not familiar with it, is a monthly free webinar featuring live interviews with well-known personalities in the field of mineral collecting and mineralogy. Their description of it: “Do you want a more personal, in-depth connection with some of the most fascinating people in the mineral world? Then tune in to Mineral Talks LIVE – the monthly LIVE interview series where we sit down with guests from all over the world and talk rocks. Collectors, Curators, Curatrixes, Artists, Researchers, Publishers, Dealers and more. We get into their origin stories and get updated on some of the things they’re working on now. It’s always fun, often educational and one of the best ways to learn more about the people who make the mineral world what it is. “Tune in on the first Wednesday of every month, listen to our LIVE talks and get a chance to ask our guests your own questions. It’s one of the best and exciting new ways to keep us all connected in-between our normal mineral shows. “Mineral Talks LIVE – Brought to you by Dr. Raquel Alonso-Perez of The Mineralogical and Geological Museum at Harvard University (MGMH), Dr. Eloïse Gaillou of l’École des Mines de Paris, and The Society of Mineral Museums Professionals (SMMP) and Bryan Swoboda of BlueCap Productions.” The September broadcast of Mineral Talks Live featured Denver Museum of Nature & Science Geology Curator Dr. James Hagadorn, on Wednesday, Sept. 4. This calendar of events is going out too late this week to have included the announcement about James’ talk, but, all of the MTL episodes are recorded and archived, and once they are put on their website, the full presentations may be viewed at any time. I usually takes a few weeks for them to post the archived presentations—so, look for James’ interview to be posted soon, and you can also review the list of almost 90 different recorded presentations made since 2020. The next live-streamed presentation will be on Wednesday, Oct. 2, and they are streamed at 11 a.m. Mountain Time. You must register with BlueCap Productions to receive the link to attend the live Zoom presentations. I believe this is the link to register to view new MTL episodes: . They are worth watching! There is audience participation via chat and questions to the speaker, too. Thanks to DGMG V.P. Peter J. Modreski for keeping us up to date with local events! |
This page last updated 2/25/2025